Holding the line for Massachusetts' best 

cape beach coastPlaces like the Cape Cod National Seashore, Bash Bish Falls and Mount Tom are iconic here in the Bay State and deserve to be protected. 

But some shortsighted leaders in Congress want to eliminate funding for our country's most successful parks and open space program, the Land and Water Conservation Fund. It could expire as early as next year, leaving many of the places that define Massachusetts at risk. 

 Will you tell Massachusetts senators to be champions for our state's natural heritage and support full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund?

Subject: Protect the best of Massachusetts
Places like Cape Cod National Seashore, Bash Bish Falls and Mount Tom are a big part of what makes living in Massachusetts great.

These places are where we go to spend time with friends and family and to hike, camp, swim and see wildlife. They're treasured destinations and key parts of our natural heritage.

But in recent years, Congress has slashed funding for these and other special places, leaving them vulnerable to pollution and overdevelopment. This is not the way to protect our special places for our children.These places deserve better, and it's up to us to protect them for the next generation.

I urge you to be a champion for the best places in Massachusetts by fighting for full, dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund.